Institutional Perspective Plan

Institutional Perspective Plan

Institutional Perspective Plan Development and Deployment

Sl. No. Institutional Perspective Goals Perspective Plan Development and Deployment
1 Ensuring Good Governance Formation of Governing Body
Decentralize leadership
Formation of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Create statutory committees
Establishing organization structure
Establishing and enhancing E-governance
Vision and Mission of the institution development and their articulation
Institutional perspective goals setting
Establishing internal audit committee
Code of conduct and policy formulation, approval and implementation
Establishing fair and transparent performance appraisal system
Promoting best practices
Annual report preparation & submission
Regular academic audit
Regular financial audit
Regular environmental audit
Regular Energy audit
2 Getting Acrredation from Statutory Body Permanent affiliation from The University of Burdwan
Applying for Section 2(f) and 12(B)
Preparation for NAAC accreditation
3 Ensuring Welfare for the Staff Recruit diversified faculty
Encouraging performance appraisal system through CAS
Sponsorships are there to attend faculty development, seminars and training courses.
Membership in NPTEL local chapter
Granting all kinds of leave as per norms
Giving festival advance to non-teaching staff
Providing medical allowance and benefit of West Bengal Health Scheme
Benefit of GPF, New Pension Scheme, Free Wi-fi facilities
4 Offering Quality Education Implementing academic plan as per CBCS norms and doing regular academic audit
Development of teaching aids, e-learning resources, Adoption of ICT
Enhance teaching-learning processes with more effective student friendly procedure by involving students in more applied studies.
Implement transparent evaluation
Use blended teaching methods
Encourage ICT awareness among students and teachers
Host institution for IIRS-Derhadun outreach program
Digitization of library and organizing webinars and seminars on NDL
Organizing webinars and seminars on various study topics
Regular lecture sessions from various academic institute
Offering resource mobilization program and designing MOOCs for students
Record and upload video lectures
5 Ensuring Student’s Development and Participation and Welfare Budget allocation for student development programmes
and activities
Offering Value-added course for personal development
Offering various Add-on courses
Offering various Certificate courses
Career counseling sell and placement cell for student
Encouraging student’s participation in various local, regional and inter college competition, science competition etc.
Conduct more training sessions and events, and skill development courses
Formation of student council
Student’s representation in various committee and cell
Rewards & recognitions of achievers
Participation in extracurricular activities organized by NSS and departments
Participating in social and welfare activities organized by NSS
To make environment of the college more comfortable and hygienic for the female students, a vending machine will be deployed with free sanitary napkin facility.
For physical, mental and spiritual development of the student establishing gymnasium, yoga centre and indoor- outdoor game facilities
Student welfare and offering concessions
Strengthening Women Cell and encouraging women participation in various college activities to foster women empowerment.
Offering various scholarships
6 Encouraging Research and Innovation Encourage publication in high-quality journals.
Developing collaboration and MOU with various institute
Awareness seminar organization on IPR and Copy right
Create fund to give minimum support for participation in seminars
Publication of institute’s own multi-disciplinary research journal
Encouraging innovative research, publications along with applying for govt. sponsored various research grants.
Integrating research oriented activities for the betterment of neighboring society in context of agriculture and environment development, social and rural development.
Encouraging in- service Ph.D.
7 Building Relationship Collaborate for educational experiences.
Establish a career guidance cell.
Strengthen the institution’s reputation.
Track and enhance alumni visits.
Create and strengthening alumni association and registered alumni association formation
Engage students in community problem-solving.
Continuous activities under collaborations and MOUs through faculty exchange and other student centric activities
Collaborate with local bodies and panchayets
Popularize vision, mission, and values.
Building relationship with the neighboring schools for more academic cohesiveness and student support
Participation in NIRF ranking
8 Financial Management Framing & implementation of Purchase and
Financial policies
Implementing purchase and financial policies and attract more funds from various govt. and govt. sponsored institution through application and project proposal
Effective functioning of purchase committee
Plans for Emergency Fund
Budget formulation & approval through Finance
Periodic Financial Audit
9 Developing
Construction of new Smart Class rooms, Seminar halls
ICT enabled teaching-learning activities
Library infrastructure up gradation and E-library facility
Modernization of Laboratory & equipment
Getting Affiliation for opening new science department
Record video lectures and upload in college YouTube channel for further reference
System up gradation  and enhance internet bandwidth
Reduce power usage and spreading awareness
Safety & Security management and swift addressing of grievance from the grievance redressal cell
Medical facility and seek room facility
Developing sports (indoor/outdoor) facilities
20 kilowatt Solar PV system installment for restricting the use of conventional energy
Rain water harvesting and use in various activities
Aspiring green coverage for more than 30% of total area
Maintaining hygiene and solid waste management
Recycling waste water and use for gardening and plantation
Construct own play grounds and an auditorium
Boundary wall construction
10 Community Services
and Outreach
Adopting village for community development, spreading awareness and environmental sustainability
Identify community and social development work
Identify challenges of society for development work
Conducting awareness camps by NSS
Conduct regular Red Ribbon Club activities and Free Eye Checkup by NSS
Conduct environmental cleanliness and awareness program
Provide free lectures to the nearby higher secondary school
Providing laboratory support to the nearby higher secondary school

Perspective Plan Deployment in Nutshell

Sl.No. Year/Session Perspective Plan Deployment
1 2018-2019 Village adaptation -Tehatta
Opening of honours courses in three departments
New academic building constructed
New smart classroom constructed
2 2019-2020 Application for Permanent Principal
New seminar hall constructed with seating capacity of 100 in new academic building
New library and guest room constructed
Increase in Intake Capacity
3 2020-2021 Joining of Permanent Principal
Increase in Intake Capacity
New Collaboration/ MOUs initiated
Preparation for Academic
Preparation for Administrative Audit
4 2021-2022 Participation in NIRF ranking
Permanent affiliation from The University of Burdwan
Introducing new Add-on Courses
Opening of various outreach program and getting membership such as- NPTEL Local Chapter, NDLI Club and IIRS Dehradun outreach programme membership.
Preparation for Green and Energy Audit
Preparation for Gender Audit
5 2022-2023 Digitization of Library
Application for Section 2(f) and 12 B
Strengthening collaboration/ MOUs initiated
Practicing faculty exchange program under MOUs
Strengthening Add-on course and skill development courses
Registered alumni association formed
Career counseling sell initiated