Institutional Perspective Plan Development and Deployment
Sl. No. |
Institutional Perspective Goals |
Perspective Plan Development and Deployment |
1 |
Ensuring Good Governance |
Formation of Governing Body |
Decentralize leadership |
Formation of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) |
Create statutory committees |
Establishing organization structure |
Establishing and enhancing E-governance |
Vision and Mission of the institution development and their articulation |
Institutional perspective goals setting |
Establishing internal audit committee |
Code of conduct and policy formulation, approval and implementation |
Establishing fair and transparent performance appraisal system |
Promoting best practices |
Annual report preparation & submission |
Regular academic audit |
Regular financial audit |
Regular environmental audit |
Regular Energy audit |
2 |
Getting Acrredation from Statutory Body |
Permanent affiliation from The University of Burdwan |
Applying for Section 2(f) and 12(B) |
Preparation for NAAC accreditation |
3 |
Ensuring Welfare for the Staff |
Recruit diversified faculty |
Encouraging performance appraisal system through CAS |
Sponsorships are there to attend faculty development, seminars and training courses. |
Membership in NPTEL local chapter |
Granting all kinds of leave as per norms |
Giving festival advance to non-teaching staff |
Providing medical allowance and benefit of West Bengal Health Scheme |
Benefit of GPF, New Pension Scheme, Free Wi-fi facilities |
4 |
Offering Quality Education |
Implementing academic plan as per CBCS norms and doing regular academic audit |
Development of teaching aids, e-learning resources, Adoption of ICT |
Enhance teaching-learning processes with more effective student friendly procedure by involving students in more applied studies. |
Implement transparent evaluation |
Use blended teaching methods |
Encourage ICT awareness among students and teachers |
Host institution for IIRS-Derhadun outreach program |
Digitization of library and organizing webinars and seminars on NDL |
Organizing webinars and seminars on various study topics |
Regular lecture sessions from various academic institute |
Offering resource mobilization program and designing MOOCs for students |
Record and upload video lectures |
5 |
Ensuring Student’s Development and Participation and Welfare |
Budget allocation for student development programmes
and activities |
Offering Value-added course for personal development |
Offering various Add-on courses |
Offering various Certificate courses |
Career counseling sell and placement cell for student |
Encouraging student’s participation in various local, regional and inter college competition, science competition etc. |
Conduct more training sessions and events, and skill development courses |
Formation of student council |
Student’s representation in various committee and cell |
Rewards & recognitions of achievers |
Participation in extracurricular activities organized by NSS and departments |
Participating in social and welfare activities organized by NSS |
To make environment of the college more comfortable and hygienic for the female students, a vending machine will be deployed with free sanitary napkin facility. |
For physical, mental and spiritual development of the student establishing gymnasium, yoga centre and indoor- outdoor game facilities |
Student welfare and offering concessions |
Strengthening Women Cell and encouraging women participation in various college activities to foster women empowerment. |
Offering various scholarships |
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Encouraging Research and Innovation |
Encourage publication in high-quality journals. |
Developing collaboration and MOU with various institute |
Awareness seminar organization on IPR and Copy right |
Create fund to give minimum support for participation in seminars |
Publication of institute’s own multi-disciplinary research journal |
Encouraging innovative research, publications along with applying for govt. sponsored various research grants. |
Integrating research oriented activities for the betterment of neighboring society in context of agriculture and environment development, social and rural development. |
Encouraging in- service Ph.D. |
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Building Relationship |
Collaborate for educational experiences. |
Establish a career guidance cell. |
Strengthen the institution’s reputation. |
Track and enhance alumni visits. |
Create and strengthening alumni association and registered alumni association formation |
Engage students in community problem-solving. |
Continuous activities under collaborations and MOUs through faculty exchange and other student centric activities |
Collaborate with local bodies and panchayets |
Popularize vision, mission, and values. |
Building relationship with the neighboring schools for more academic cohesiveness and student support |
Participation in NIRF ranking |
8 |
Financial Management |
Framing & implementation of Purchase and
Financial policies |
Implementing purchase and financial policies and attract more funds from various govt. and govt. sponsored institution through application and project proposal |
Effective functioning of purchase committee |
Plans for Emergency Fund |
Budget formulation & approval through Finance
Committee |
Periodic Financial Audit |
9 |
Infrastructure |
Construction of new Smart Class rooms, Seminar halls |
ICT enabled teaching-learning activities |
Library infrastructure up gradation and E-library facility |
Modernization of Laboratory & equipment |
Getting Affiliation for opening new science department |
Record video lectures and upload in college YouTube channel for further reference |
System up gradation and enhance internet bandwidth |
Reduce power usage and spreading awareness |
Safety & Security management and swift addressing of grievance from the grievance redressal cell |
Medical facility and seek room facility |
Developing sports (indoor/outdoor) facilities |
20 kilowatt Solar PV system installment for restricting the use of conventional energy |
Rain water harvesting and use in various activities |
Aspiring green coverage for more than 30% of total area |
Maintaining hygiene and solid waste management |
Recycling waste water and use for gardening and plantation |
Construct own play grounds and an auditorium |
Boundary wall construction |
10 |
Community Services
and Outreach
Activities |
Adopting village for community development, spreading awareness and environmental sustainability |
Identify community and social development work |
Identify challenges of society for development work |
Conducting awareness camps by NSS |
Conduct regular Red Ribbon Club activities and Free Eye Checkup by NSS |
Conduct environmental cleanliness and awareness program |
Provide free lectures to the nearby higher secondary school |
Providing laboratory support to the nearby higher secondary school |
Perspective Plan Deployment in Nutshell
Sl.No. |
Year/Session |
Perspective Plan Deployment |
1 |
2018-2019 |
Village adaptation -Tehatta |
Opening of honours courses in three departments |
New academic building constructed |
New smart classroom constructed |
2 |
2019-2020 |
Application for Permanent Principal |
New seminar hall constructed with seating capacity of 100 in new academic building |
New library and guest room constructed |
Increase in Intake Capacity |
3 |
2020-2021 |
Joining of Permanent Principal |
Increase in Intake Capacity |
New Collaboration/ MOUs initiated |
Preparation for Academic |
Preparation for Administrative Audit |
4 |
2021-2022 |
Participation in NIRF ranking |
Permanent affiliation from The University of Burdwan |
Introducing new Add-on Courses |
Opening of various outreach program and getting membership such as- NPTEL Local Chapter, NDLI Club and IIRS Dehradun outreach programme membership. |
Preparation for Green and Energy Audit |
Preparation for Gender Audit |
5 |
2022-2023 |
Digitization of Library |
Application for Section 2(f) and 12 B |
Strengthening collaboration/ MOUs initiated |
Practicing faculty exchange program under MOUs |
Strengthening Add-on course and skill development courses |
Registered alumni association formed |
Career counseling sell initiated |